THRIVE Plus | SGT Rest

THRIVE Plus | SGT Rest (30 Gel Packs)
Le-Vel is proud to present another innovation in nutritional supplementation, and an exciting addition to the Thrive Plus line – Sublingual Gel Technology.THRIVE Rest is a premium gel formula that supports sleep health, giving the body essential nutrients needed to offer:

Improved Sleep Patterns

Relaxation Support

Stress & Tension Support
Calming Effect

THRIVE Rest is a dual action formula that works to help the body not only go to sleep, but stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.
Consider adding THRIVE Rest to your Thrive 8 Week Experience today! For best results combine with Thrive Premium Lifestyle Capsules, Premium Lifestyle Shake Mix, and Premium Lifestyle DFT™.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*

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